Laura overloop
Laura overloop

laura overloop laura overloop

  • Physics Graduate Student Symposium, University of Michigan, June 2013.
  • Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington, June 2013.
  • laura overloop

    Lamont–Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, Sept.University of California-Berkeley, Mechanical Engineering Department, Dec.Audio and Acoustics Research Group, Microsoft Research, Sept.Acoustical Society of America meeting, Animal Bioacoustics session, Indianapolis, IN, Oct.Marcus Langseth Oversight Committee (MLSOC) meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec.Abadi, David Dowling, "Blind deconvolution of remote-source signals from acoustic array recordings in multipath environments", University of Michigan Engineering Graduate Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI, Nov. Dowling: "Blind deconvolution of remote-source signals from acoustic array recordings in multipath environments", (Best Student Paper Awards Winner), 158 th Acoustical Society of America meeting, October 2009, San Antonio, TX, Vol. Abadi, David Dowling, "Artificial Time Reversal of remote-source signals from acoustic array recordings in multipath environments", Poster Presentation, University of Michigan Engineering Graduate Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI, November 2010. Abadi, David Dowling, "Blind deconvolution of remote-source signals by Ray-based ATR", 1 st Annual University of Michigan SIAM Student Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, Nov.

    laura overloop

    Dowling, Daniel Rouseff: "Blind Deconvolution of Remote- Source Signals from Ocean Acoustic Array Recordings", 159 th Acoustical Society of America meeting, April 2010, Baltimore, MD, Vol. Dowling: "Using the impulse response from blind deconvolution for elementary source localization", 161 st Acoustical Society of America meeting, May 2011, Seattle, WA, Vol. Dowling: "Near-field blind deconvolution in a reverberant environment", 162 nd Acoustical Society of America meeting, Oct 2011, San Diego, CA, Vol. Dowling, "Frequency-Difference Beamforming with Sparse Arrays", Poster Presentation,, University of Michigan Engineering Graduate Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI, Nov. Dowling: "Broadband Sparse-Array Blind Deconvolution Using Unconventional Beamforming", 164 th Acoustical Society of America meeting, Oct 2012, Kansas City, MO, Vol. Dowling: "Frequency-Difference Beamforming with Sparse Arrays", 164 th Acoustical Society of America meeting, Oct 2012, Kansas City, MO, Vol. Abadi, "Blind Deconvolution in Multipath Environments and Extensions to Remote Source Localization", Physics Graduate Student Symposium, University of Michigan, June 2013. Dowling: "Frequency-Sum Beamforming in an Inhomogeneous Environment", 21 st International Congress on Acoustics, June 2013, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Vol. Dowling: "Comparison of remote ranging techniques for bowhead whale calls in a dispersive underwater sound channel", (Best Student Paper Awards Winner), 166 th Acoustical Society of America meeting, Dec. Abadi, "Blind Deconvolution in Underwater Multipath Environments and Extensions to Whale Localization", Poster Presentation,, Purdue University, Mechanical Engineering, West Lafayette, IN, March 2014. Carbotte: "Estimating the range of Baleen whale calls recorded by hydrophone streamers during seismic surveys", 167 th Acoustical Society of America meeting, May 2014, Providence, Rhode Island, Vol. Carbotte: "Baleen whale localization using hydrophone streamers during seismic reflection surveys", (Invited Speaker), 168 th Acoustical Society of America meeting, Oct. Dowling: "Blind deconvolution for robust signal estimation and approximate source ranging", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol.131, Issue 4,. Dowling: "Broadband sparse-array blind deconvolution using frequency-difference beamforming", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol.132, Issue 5,. Dowling, “Frequency-sum beamforming in an inhomogeneous environment”, Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, Vol. Dowling: "Beamforming quadratic field products at difference and sum frequencies in a multipath environment", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, in prep. Carbotte: "Sound source localization using data recorded by hydrophone streamers during seismic surveys", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, in review. Dowling: "Remote ranging of bowhead whale calls in a dispersive underwater sound channel", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol.

    Laura overloop